Saturday, November 16, 2013

How about coming back to life...

This is Ricardo, he made made me want to blog again. Thanks, sir!

Hope you are doing well, friends!

I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in a while the other night and mentioned that I wasn't blogging anymore but I had plenty of time to watch Netflix and play Farm Heroes Saga on Facebook. He couldn't believe that I had stopped the project but had time to spend waste on those petty things and it made me think about the blog. 

I wound up describing that I don't feel like I do enough interesting things anymore, as I pretty much work, hang out with L, go to church, spend some time working on whatever little project I have going on and spending some time thinking about grad school (which I'm almost done with...thankfully!). My friend then told me that I needed to make things to write about, so I have decided to do just that.

I've had some good times this past summer and fall and am already looking so forward to the holiday season that is quickly approaching. I've also been working some on the work front (think bulletin boards, reward systems, worksheets, etc.) and hitting pinterest pretty hard.  I'll be doing some posts about all of these things & whatever suits my fancy at the moment, so it should be interesting. =) 

Thanks for swinging back by & hearing the new inspiration to blog- it's been a while but I'm sure it's just like riding a bike. 


"Adventure is out there!"